Do you want to know how teamecho works?

Measure your eNPS directly in teamecho

How attractive are you as an employer? Just ask. The eNPSTM shows you whether your employees would recommend you as an employer. In combination with teamecho, you also find out what you could do better.

Measure your Employee Net Promoter Score

Interpret the results with teamecho

Strengthen your employer branding

What is the eNPSTM?

eNPSTM stands for “Employee Net Promoter Score”. It indicates how likely it is that employees would recommend their employer to friends and relatives.

The eNPSTM is measured with only one question:

“How likely are you to recommend your employer to friends or family members?”

How is the eNPSTM calculated?

Depending on how employees answer on a scale of 1 to 10, they are divided into 3 groups:

The eNPSTM is then calculated like this:

eNPSTM = % of promoters – % of detractors

The result can be positive or negative and ranges from + 100 percent (promoters only) to – 100 percent (detractors only).

eNPSTM & teamecho: hand in hand

You can perfectly combine the eNPSTM survey with our intelligent teamecho surveys.

This way, you not only know how loyal your team really is. But also where the problems lie and where to take action.

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