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teamecho focus question sets

Every company is unique. With corners and edges. And sometimes very special challenges. Set individual emphases with our focus question sets.

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Focus question sets

individual focus as a supplement to teamecho Insights

E.g.: Change, Hybrid Work, Recognition & Appreciation


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teamecho Insights

Your familiar basis: 66 questions, automatically asked at the right time

More than 16 topics

Our focus question sets are based on current trends and are regularly expanded.

The question sets at a glance:

Recognition and appreciation

Appreciation not only makes working life more fulfilling. It also protects employees from everyday stress. Take the opportunity to express gratitude and make it visible in your organization.

Competence and development (exclusively for leaders)

How do team members rate their leader? Use this opportunity to provide valuable feedback to leaders about their strengths and development opportunities.

Hybrid work: communication and collaboration

Communication is complex. Especially in hybrid work settings. Make visible how well communication works and strengthen your collaboration.

Hybrid work: Flexibility and self-organization

Office, home office, mobile office: a great mix when the conditions are right. Take a look at what your employees experience in the hybrid work setting.

Hybrid work: Leadership and culture

It’s not easy to maintain a common culture when employees are dispersed. Find out about leadership and culture in hybrid work settings.

Change: Communicating change

Communication is key. This is especially true during change. Use our focus question set to find out how you can shape communication in change processes.

Change: Collaboration during Change

What does change do to your collaboration? Take a look at how team members perceive collaboration during change processes and how they are supported by their managers.

Change: Readiness and expectations

Change can be scary. Find out how ready your employees are for change and what their expectations are. So that you can design the process ideally.

Educational value (exclusively for apprentices)

Apprentices want to grow in their chosen profession. Look beyond just skills and review what your apprentices are learning as part of the organization.

Instruction (exclusively for apprentices)

Apprentices need mentors. Learn directly from your apprentices how they learn from their instructors.

Good togetherness

Strong teams stick together. Find out how employees rate team spirit and solution focus.

Dealing with stress

Work can be stressful. Learn more about what sources of stress are relevant for your employees and how they deal with stress.

Meaning of work

People seek meaning in their work. Discover what meaning employees see in what your organization does and in their own work.

Employee Engagement

Engaged employees enjoy coming to work and are less likely to change employers. Find out how engaged your teams are.

Net Promoter Score for People (eNPS)

The official Employee Net Promoter Score from Bain & Company including the associated evaluation method in the specially adapted results dashboard.

Employer attractiveness

The best minds are hard to find. Find out what makes you attractive as an employer and what you should emphasize in your next job interview.

More to come ...

We are constantly working on new question sets. You need a questionnaire on a special topic? Just ask!

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