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Employer branding at CCE: How to attract top talent

Fiercely competitive job market, fast-growing company: To attract the best minds, photovoltaic specialist CCE needs a strong employer brand. In this interview, Katharina Zirknitzer and Philipp Eichinger tell us what all this has to do with feedback and teamecho.

Employer Branding bei CCE

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Rapid growth & highly competitive labor market

Jacqueline Petr: Hello and welcome. I’m sitting here today with CCE.

Katharina Zirknitzer: I’m Kathi, I’m responsible for recruiting and HR development at CCE and I implemented teamecho at our company – exactly one year ago.

Philipp Eichinger: My name is Philipp Eichinger. I am Head of Marketing at CCE and am responsible for the marketing side of employer branding.

Jacqueline Petr: What does your employer branding strategy look like and what role does feedback play in it?

Philipp Eichinger: CCE is a very, very rapidly growing company. The company started out as a small family business and is now an international holding company with 170 employees, operating in an extremely fast-growing market.

We are in the renewable energy market and are struggling with the fact that all in this environment want the same people. That is why the awareness of the issue of employer attractiveness is now very high in our company.. At the end of the day, we need the best minds to achieve our goals.

Feedback plays a very important role here. Dhe topic only came up with us as a result of feedback. We have approached the topic of employer branding via the company values. The corporate values were lived by us, but were not written down.

We then developed them on the basis of feedback from all employees. And so Feedback is actually the reason why the Employer Branding department was created and the reason why we dedicate ourselves to it very intensively.

We are in the renewable energy market and are struggling with the fact that everyone wants the same people. At the end of the day, we need the best minds to achieve our goals. Feedback plays a very important role in this.

Jacqueline Petr: In other words, you started with the employee survey right away and found out which topics really concern the employees. And you have built a strategy on this. It’s often the other way around. You have a strategy and then you realize that your employees want something completely different.

Philipp Eichinger: We initially discussed whether this was an issue that should be dealt with top-down. And the answer in this case can only be a very clear “no”. Everyone at our company works with a very strong purpose, because they want to make a difference in the world. As a result, everyone actually feels the same, which is why we were able to approach the topic of corporate values very well from the bottom up, defining nine corporate values and casting them in guiding principles.

Take the right measures regularly & in good time

Katharina Zirknitzer: The biggest tool for measuring employee satisfaction is teamecho. For us, this is simply the safest way to ensure appreciation, guarantee a feedback loop and then, of course, make sure that we implement measures and take them further.

Philipp Eichinger: teamecho also has a strong strong unifying effect. We have a total of 9 locations in 7 different countries, where the Manager sometimes is sitting somewhere completely different than the employees.

Thanks to teamecho, we can get feedback and the solutions we need to further develop the organization much more quickly and effectively.

Thanks to teamecho, we can get feedback and the solutions we need to further develop the organization much more quickly and effectively.

Jacqueline Petr: How did you gather feedback before teamecho?

Katharina Zirknitzer: Before teamecho, there was once an attempt at a one-off, annual employee survey. However, it was difficult to grasp what the output of the survey was and how this could then be implemented with measures.

A huge advantage of teamecho is its regularity. That a trend emerges from it, that you can follow the development well and not miss anything. With every downward trend, every challenge, you can intervene immediately and take appropriate measures.

We have opted for a monthly survey interval. This means that about nine questions are asked once a month. The employee then has four weeks to take part in the survey. We then provide the HR department with a monthly internal report. And there is a quarterly report, i.e. a summary of the last three months at the Executive Board. The most important challenges are presented and commented on with measures from us.

We have four managing directors. Every managing director has the opportunity to produce a video once a year. In other words, one managing director per quarter. The video then addresses the feedback and all possible topics that have arisen from teamecho and also derives measures. And a lot of things that employees wanted have already been implemented within a year.

Insider tip for working with teamecho

Jacqueline Petr: This means that employees are informed via a video message that something is happening with their feedback. What is the role of managers in this?

Katharina Zirknitzer: The things that are addressed in the videos are mainly topics that are relevant to the company as a whole. If there are any challenges that can be broken down to individual teams or departments, managers are encouraged to resolve these issues directly with the team. The comments are also discussed and debated every month at the department’s internal jour fixe.

Jacqueline Petr: Do you have any tips for getting started with teamecho?

Katharina Zirknitzer: At the beginning, we tried to process the teamecho results from all teams in great detail in the HR department. That was very time-consuming.

So my tip: Motivate managers to discuss the results directly with their teams. As an employee, I will only participate in the long term if I can see that my manager also considers feedback and team echo to be important.

Together we care, together we grow, together we realise

Jacqueline Petr: What does the topic of feedback have to do with employer branding and your values?

Philipp Eichinger: We summarize our values in three guiding principles: “Together we care”, “Together we grow” and “Together we realize”. We have covered what used to be summarized under corporate social responsibility with the topic of care. Dealing with each other flows into Grow. And we have summarized everything that affects our daily work and our joint success in the guiding principle “Together we realize”.

When I think about the topic of feedback, I have to go back to my opening statement. None of this would have happened if there was no feedback culture in the company. When our guiding principles were created, we had 156 employees. Everyone voted, everyone contributed their ideas and made this structure grow.

Briefly on the individual guiding principles. Let’s start with Care. I personally, and the company, believe that taking care of something or someone makes you extremely attractive as an employer.

The human soul somehow has a longing for this. Not just to be there for yourself, but to find a higher purpose. And there is a lot of room for meaning in this Care theme.

This concerns environmental issues, but also the topic of mutual trust and responsibility within the company. We try to take responsibility for our fellow human beings, for our colleagues, for the environment and for society. And this is reflected in various measures that we also want to implement together.

One example: Last year, we created reverse Advent calendars where employees brought things for a gift table every day. The contents of this gift table were then given to an aid organization.

The Grow theme is also about team spirit. We are all pulling in the same direction. On the strand of sustainability, environmental awareness, renewable energy. And we all do this with great, great enthusiasm.

And we have the issue of realization. “Together we realize.” We have all We are expected to be very professional, make bold decisions and be very innovative. Also because the industry changes very quickly and you can’t afford to miss a beat. And that is also good for the employer brand.

A company that deals with solutions for the future, with very innovative subject areas, is also attractive. And in my opinion, CCE does this very well.

Employees as Brand ambassador

Jacqueline Petr: So your values, which you have developed on the basis of feedback, make you an attractive employer?

Philipp Eichinger: Exactly. And although we are an international company with a large number of employees, we still have a strong focus on a family working environment in the units where we work together.

So on the one hand, we are in an incredibly dynamic, international working environment, but on the other hand, the family working environment is still a bit of a safe haven. And that makes us particularly attractive regionally, in terms of our Garsten site, where most of our employees are based.

Jacqueline Petr: Have you got brand ambassadors?

Katharina Zirknitzer: Yes, employees who were involved in the development of the values and who and attach great importance to them themselves, also communicate them to the outside world.

We have already met many new employees. We also have an “employee-recruit-employee” bonus.

Thanks to teamecho, we are always up to date and can continue to develop the company dynamically. Only in this way will we succeed in the long term in attracting the best to us and appear attractive to those we want to have with us.

Jacqueline Petr: What long-term goals do you have with regard to your employer brand and what role will feedback play in this?

Philipp Eichinger: As mentioned at the beginning: we are in a highly competitive, very fast-growing market. And the long-term goal must be to be the first port of call for the brightest minds who want to shape things together with us.

Since we live very much via teamecho feedback, this naturally plays a major role. This means we are always up to date and can continue to develop the company dynamically. This is the only way we will succeed in the long term in attracting the best and appearing attractive to those we want to have with us.

Jacqueline Petr: In other words, this further development follows the same pattern: Just ask, just listen, just care.

Philipp Eichinger: Exactly. Needs change very quickly, especially in a rapidly changing world. And if you want to keep at it, you have to ask regularly.

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