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Improve corporate culture: 9 steps for powerful impact

It is important to change the behavior in the company and to adapt the values. Improving the corporate culture is a gift – sometimes a necessary one – for everyone: employees, managers and company figures.

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Improve corporate culture with success

The Corona crisis has made it clear that corporate culture is a decisive factor in success or failure. A sudden shift toward new-work conditions with more autonomous work and flexible work locations and hours was implemented by certain cultures in an agile and flexible manner. For other companies, the hurdle was greater.

Measures to strengthen the corporate culture should be packaged in such a way that your team is happy to implement them. You always focus on the needs and talents of your employees and attach importance to openness and fairness. Mutual trust is paramount – a successful corporate culture is therefore always also a culture of trust.

9 steps to improve your corporate culture


A culture of trust is about establishing transparent and honest communication channels. This means that everyone is included and participates. With flexible work locations and virtual teams, the right communication tools play an important role. A feedback tool such as teamecho can make the mood in the team and the needs of the employees visible.


Show your team what their jobs do for the company to motivate them intrinsically. You should also regularly praise your employees. This can increase job satisfaction and strengthen loyalty to the company. Meaningfulness of work is becoming increasingly important in attracting talent. Show your employees how they contribute to the development of the company. Clear corporate values are the starting point for this.


Also listen to the concerns and wishes of your employees in private. This allows you to build trust with your team and thereby improve the working atmosphere.


Fair pay and appreciation in communication are the fundamental aspects of recognition.mistakes may also be acknowledged and communicated without fear.the learning factor increases enormously for everyone – as does the sense of belonging.


Companies should attach great importance to the personal development of their employees. Training and further education on the part of the company can set clear signals here.


For a positive corporate culture, it is of great importance that your employees are happy and healthy. This can be seen physically and mentally and starts with a harmonious work-life balance.


Include new employees in an appreciative manner to ensure an optimal employee experience. This already starts with recruiting and onboarding.


Employees are happy to be involved in major decisions, events or health projects. If employees can actively participate in determining the culture, trust and identification with the company are additionally strengthened.


Motivation in the team increases when successes are celebrated together. In addition, personal occasions (e.g., birthdays) should also be toasted.

All these steps help to improve the corporate culture. When a culture of trust becomes a habit, the goal of a successful corporate culture is achieved. Then reliable communication channels have been established and are appreciated and used by the employees. teamecho provides the right digital basis for improving corporate culture with employee feedback.

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